
“A jack of all trades is a master of none,
but oftentimes better than a master of one.”


Mani Blunt is a traditional and digital artist, as well as an artisan craftsman and writer.

With a passion for creating art for as long as he can remember, he has had classes from Disney Studios cartoonists, attended Calhoun Community College for Computer Graphics, and studied online through Academy of Art University to hone his skills. Much of his knowledge is self-taught, thanks to the breadth of the Internet for tutorials and inspiration, and fine-tuned with decades of practice (improving every time he makes something new).

As an artisan, he taught himself wire-wrapping for jewelry and costume props, and taught several classes on making jewelry. His work at Michaels Arts stores allowed him opportunities to learn many hobbies and skills, flexing his dexterity in assembly and wire-wrapping, and expanding his knowledge of design and composition with custom picture framing.

Mani is an avid storyteller and poet, with various concepts simmering in his mind, wanting to flow out into the world. His experience with depression and anxiety, as well as his life within the LGBTQIA+ spectrum and community, have provided the kindling to the sparks of his imagination; for him, he considers it an opportunity for outreach and solidarity, that others going through similar phases in life can see that they aren’t alone in the world.